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Life/영어 공부

[영어 표현] play 활용


어린이가 놀다라는 의미로는 괜찮다.

  • I played with my kinds.
  • My kids play here all the time.
  • It's not safe for children to play here.
  • I played with my friends (x) -> met up / spent time

가지고 놀다 / 가지고 장난치다

  • Stop playing with your food.
  • Don't play with you food.
  • My cat likes to play with my hair.
  • You shouldn't play with people's feelings like that. That's really bad.

무엇을 틀다

  • play a video / a song (music) / a movie
  • Now, I'm going to play a video.
  • He played a video for us...
  • When I'm working on my computer, I like to have some soft music playing in the background.

어떤 역할을 하다. (play a role)

  • He plays the most important role in the team.
  • For a start of his stature (명성, 지위), he played a surprisingly small role in the film.

어떤 상황에 맞추다 (play along)

  • 어떤 상황이 있을 때 그 상황에 방해받지 않고 적응하려 (adjust) 하는 것을 나타냄
  • I didn't quite understand what was going on, but I tried my best to play along.
  • I knew my daughter was lying, but I played along just to see where it goes.
    • to see where it goes / ... where things go: 상황이 어떻게 흘러가는지 보려고